Videos Added to CW Plays
Added a selection of playthroughs on the second channel, including Super Mario 64 in two parts, 007 Racing and Resident Evil 2 Leon A. Claire B will be uploaded soon. Let me know any playthroughs you would like to see in the comments of the videos.

Critical Wranker Plays



Top 10 Resident Evil Scares
In the first entry in my Wrankers Top 10 series, we go back to the mid the late 90’s to take a look at 10 times Resident Evil made us turn the lights back on. In the video, I list my favourite scare moments in the first 3 entries, with some honourable mentions, of course. This is my shortest video, and that is due to time constants. I’m going away on a family holiday, and wanted to get a video released before I go. I promise this isn't going to become a Play Mojo list channel! I hope you enjoy, and video uploads will commence when I return.




New Channel
I've created a new channel on YouTube, Critical Wranker Plays. Its main purpose is so I have somewhere to upload the gameplay footage I capture, without bogging down the main channel. Hopefully other creators will be able to use the footage if they need 1080p real hardware capture of gameplay with no watermarks. At some point I would like to do some live streaming, and maybe some playthroughs of games that don’t fit on the main channel. Check it out if you like no commentary playthroughs. For anyone that wants to use my footage in a video, there is no need to ask, have at it. A link to the main channel would be appreciated, but not required.



New Series
In my new series, A Review to a Kill, I’m going to be completing, and reviewing every game adaptation of the 007 franchise. First up is 007 Racing, a PS1 title released in 2000. This game was full of surprises, and I had a lot of fun with it.

I won't be uploading it to odysee just yet. As a platform, Odysee is far more strict with the allowed video resolutions. Videos have to be 720p and below 10mbps bitrate. So, with the lowered quality, and the lack of views I'm getting there, I would rather spend the time making a new video, rather than rendering different versions. I will revisit this later and leave my already uploaded videos on Odysee.



Next Video Up
New video now available. In my latest outing, I take a trip back to 1997 for a deep dive into the masterclass that was Super Mario 64. I had a lot of fun with this one, so I hope you enjoy the video. On a side-note, a serious thankyou to everyone that watched my first video. The amount of views it received was better than I ever imagined.

YouTube | Odysee


Next Project Underway
No rest for the wicked! Work has been started on my next video, it will be in shorter form than my first lengthy effort, but should mean it won’t take as long. My vision for the channel is to have several different continuous series’, rather than each video being self-contained. I have also started work on my next long form video, and all I will say is Itchy, Tasty. I’m very invested in public interest, so everyone is encouraged to contact me with suggestions.

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